wp 070-2 [PDF: 666.92 KB]
Ex-post economic evaluation of National Highway projects, Case Study 2: Northam Bypass

BTRE's ex-post road investments evaluation project involves systematically reviewing after the fact the projected costs and benefits of major investments. The project complements the recent implementation by jurisdictions of the ATC-endorsed National Guidelines for Transport System Management in Australia. In particular, the project is intended to benefit both future project appraisal and future ex-post evaluation under AusLink and more generally. This analysis was one of the case studies undertaken for the BTRE ex-post road investments evaluation project. The case study provided an example of how to undertake an evaluation of a bypass project involving an improved treatment of delay effects at intersections using the Main Roads Western Australia's WARES evaluation software.
- Ex-post economic evaluation of National Highway projects, Case Study 2: Northam Bypass