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Freight Rates in Australia 1964–65 to 2007–08

This Information Sheet provides indexed trends in average interstate non-bulk freight rates, from 1964–65 to 2007–08, updating the freight rate indexes previously published in Freight Rates in Australia, Information Sheet 19 (BTRE 2002). The estimates show that, following generally declining real freight rates over the previous two decades, real freight rates for road, rail and long-distance coastal shipping have risen since 2000–01 (Table 1 provides nominal and real indexed freight rate series and Figures 1 to 4 illustrate indexed trends in real freight rates). Recent increases in crude oil prices, and flow through to diesel fuel prices, have been an important contributing factor in recent freight rate increases for road, rail and coastal shipping.
- Freight Rates in Australia 1964–65 to 2007–08