BITRE Tasmanian Freight Schemes Parameter Review October 2011 [PDF: 1.11 MB]
Tasmanian Freight Schemes—Parameter Review, October 2011

Publication Subject(s)
Publication Type
Department ID
INFRA 1107
Release date
This Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics report outlines the results of a scheduled review of the parameters underpinning the Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme and Tasmanian Wheat Freight Scheme for the period 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2010. The Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme operates according to Ministerial Directions (2008) using parameters recommended by the TFES Review Authority (1998). The Tasmanian Wheat Freight Scheme operates under separate Ministerial Directions approved on 25 January 2006.
- Tasmanian Freight Schemes–Parameter Review, October 2011