Australian interstate, intrastate and capital city road freight forecasts – 2022 update [PDF: 9.35 MB]
Australian interstate, intrastate and capital city road freight forecasts – 2022 update

In Australia, road transport is the predominant mode for moving freight within between states, within states and urban areas. It is a vital link in various logistics chains, providing access for freight to ports and terminals and urban freight distribution between warehouses and retail outlets. It is also the dominant mode for moving freight over relatively short distances and where other alternatives are not readily available.
This report presents estimates and forecasts of interstate, intrastate and capital cities for each state and territory in Australia. Estimates cover the period 1970 to 2020 and forecasts from 2020 to 2040. The forecasts are based on a combination of statistical models relating historical trends in road freight volumes and economic activity, informed assumptions about likely future long-term economic and demographic trends.