This report summarises annual domestic (including regional) aircraft and passenger movements, available seats, load factors, revenue passenger kilometres and available seat kilometres. Details are provided for the top competitive routes and the major airports.
Publications by year: 2024
Waterline provides information on container movements on both the wharf-side and the landside of five Australian major container port terminals: Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Fremantle. This issue covers port terminal activity up to the June quarter 2023.
Formerly entitled ‘Fatal heavy vehicle crashes Australia—Quarterly Bulletins’.
This annual survey covers all Australian registered aircraft used in the Commercial Air Transport and General Aviation sectors of the Australian aviation industry. Number of aircraft is provided, hours flown and landings by type of activity and state of operation.
The data provides information on road safety enforcement activities undertaken across the Australian states and territories from 2008 to 2023, including:
Statistics relating to the number of motor vehicles registered for road use in Australia on 31st January 2023.
Statistics relating to the number of motor vehicles registered for road use in Australia on 31st January 2022.
Statistics relating to the number of vehicles registered for road use in Australia on 31 January 2024.