Statistical Report
The Australian Infrastructure Statistics Yearbook provides a single comprehensive source of Australian infrastructure time series statistics for measures of transport, energy, communications and water infrastructure and the use of this infrastruct
TrainLine 1 is a collaborative report between the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) and BITRE. It is a further development of the previous rail freight performance publications series.
Avline provides a summary of previously released Aviation related data drawing on a range of sources including BITRE, ABS, Airservices Australian and the US Energy Information Administration.
This issue of Waterline includes the regular articles on stevedoring performance, port interface costs and port performance. A feature article provides an overview of the non-containerised general cargo sector.
This issue of Waterline includes our regular article on stevedoring performance. The feature articles cover waterfront reliability, crew to berth ratios in Australian shipping and port charging.
This issue of Waterline includes our regular articles on stevedoring performance, port interface costs, port performance and crew to berth ratios. A feature article covers port interface costs at Burnie.
This issue of Waterline includes our regular articles on stevedoring productivity and crew to berth ratios. An article on waterfront reliability presents the first data for a new quarterly series.
This issue of Waterline contains our quarterly articles on stevedoring productivity, waterfront reliability and crew to berth ratios.
This issue of Waterline contains our quarterly articles on stevedoring productivity, waterfront reliability and crew to berth ratios.
Articles in the issue: Stevedoring productivity, waterfront reliability, Port Interface cost index, Port performance and crew to berth ratios.