This Information Sheet explores the relationship between income and transport use in Australia by identifying the nature of the relationship between income and different types of transport use, and how public transport use (especially rail) varies
This paper explores how producing different services together, or the scope of production, affects the spatial distribution of services in Australia's regions.
This information sheet provides an introduction to measuring the total value of goods and services produced in a region, known as Gross Regional Product (GRP), as well as conceptual and practical limitations of this measure.
Economies of scale are a common feature of the cost structure of service providers.
In this paper we define services and provide an overview of who produces them and why. The first section defines a service as a type of product that can only be consumed while production is taking place.
This paper provides an introduction to how people are distributed spatially across Australia. The discussion is broken into two sections.
This paper sets out a framework of access, with a particular focus on access to services. Previous research has examined dimensions of access, often in terms of a particular field and with an emphasis on the consumer.
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This Information Sheet presents data on Australian households' expenditure patterns, based on the ABS Household Expenditure Survey (HES) for 2015–16.
This is not the latest release. View the latest release