Australian Transport Statistics provides a short summary of a diverse range of transport statistics.
This Information Sheet provides indexed trends in average interstate non-bulk freight rates, from 1964–65 to 2007–08, updating the freight rate indexes previously published in Freight Rates in Australia, Information Sheet 19 (BTRE 2002).
Up until the early 1960s, railways dominated all but the shortest land-based freight task.
Australian Transport Statistics provides a short summary of a diverse range of transport statistics.
This statistical report is the third in this series and is a result of collaboration between the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) and the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE).
This paper discusses high-speed train services. The paper sets out what is meant by 'high-speed', explains the objective of introducing services and sets out where they have been introduced.
This report provides estimates and forecasts of interstate freight moving between 56 state-to-state origin-destination pairs, for example, South Australia-Queensland.
The Australian Infrastructure Statistics Yearbook 2011 provides a single comprehensive source of Australian infrastructure statistics time series statistics for measures of transport, energy, communications and water infrastructure and the use of
In 2002, the ATC approved a set of six targets and indicators to measure improvements over time in performance of the interstate rail track. Early reports against the indicators were derived entirely from track managers' (below rail) datasets.
Results for 2006–07 are reported against a set of 11 railway indicators. These are in three groups: three train indicators, four track indicators and four market indicators.