In March 2006 the Productivity Commission was asked to 'report on the merits and weaknesses of the current arrangements for subsidising containerised and bulk shipping between the mainland and Tasmania and provide recommendations on an appropriate
This Information Sheet provides indexed trends in average interstate non-bulk freight rates, from 1964–65 to 2007–08, updating the freight rate indexes previously published in Freight Rates in Australia, Information Sheet 19 (BTRE 2002).
This Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics report outlines the results of a scheduled review of the parameters underpinning the Tasmanian Freight Equalisation Scheme and Tasmanian Wheat Freight Scheme for the period 1 July 200
This report provides long-term passenger and freight vehicle traffic projections for intercity corridors of the National Land Transport Network (NLTN) between 2005 and 2030.
Waterline reports on trends in container handling productivity on the waterfront in Australia as well as the cost of importing and exporting containers.
The Australian Sea Freight series presents statistics on the movement of Australian freight by sea, as well as information on port activity, fleet structure, and use of coastal permits.
Up until the early 1960s, railways dominated all but the shortest land-based freight task.
Australian Transport Statistics provides a short summary of a diverse range of transport statistics.
Waterline reports on trends in container handling productivity on the waterfront in Australia as well as the cost of importing and exporting containers.
This report presents forecasts of air passenger and aircraft movements through Australia's eight capital city airports (Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney) to 2030.